Friday, January 28, 2005


We had a special award ceremony on Wednesday for those who went to cover the tsunami disaster, and I couldn't help but reflect on the significance of an event as unprecedented as this.

The photo desk showed a collection of pics, perhaps only the tip of the iceberg, as many pics, of mangled and decayed bodies, were unfit for publication.

The chief editor said it'll probably be a once-in-a-lifetime experience, as such a massive disaster would not be repeated.

That set off fresh thoughts in me, as I was so busy that I did not have time to think/feel for the thousands that perished.

I spoke to a photographer who went to Phuket and Medan, and he told me of the stench that came from the corpses, and of having to shoot badly decayed bodies and the scenes of suffering he witnessed.

Some choose to ask, "Why, God, why?'' and question the benevolence of the Almighty, while others remain dumbfounded.

One colleague wrote that she had lost confidence in the omnipotence of God, as by choosing to honour man's freewill and uphold His natural laws, tsunamis and Hitlers are allowed to wreck havoc, and make the world seem godless.

Another colleague, a devout Christian, told me that US preachers have postulated the possibility that these killer waves are God's way of punishing those who have long stood against the advance of his gospel- the staunch Muslim enclave in Aceh, the Tamil Tiger fanatics in Sri Lanka, and the strong Muslim/Buddhist region in Thailand.

Does it matter?

So what?

Will knowing the answer, knowing God's mind and intention alleviate the suffering or save any souls?

I believe the extent of eternal suffering in the afterlife would be worse than experiencing a thousand tsunamis put together, and if it takes a tsunami to save tens of thousands from Hellfire, then I believe a loving God will allow it to happen.

So we must make full use of this opportunity.

The collapse of the USSR, the tearing down of the Berlin Wall, the end of Communism in Eastern Europe, the dethroning of Saddam - these are all signs pointing to the coming reign of Christ.

But will the unsaved multitudes believe?

Will mere words and sound reasoning be adequate to convince?

Lord, help your children to pray, to go, to love.

And equip us with Your Spirit, for unless You abide in us, and us in you, we can do nothing.