Monday, June 05, 2006

Sunday Times surprise

It's a tad pai seh to have pictures of yourself plastered on the newspapers, esp on Page 1, when all you've had is a few minutes notice.

I certainly had no clue my tickets story would be so favoured by the Sunday editor that she decided to put my pic on Page 1. And they made me drive home and back just to get the tickets for the last-minute photo shoot.

It was just a random story idea I suggested to my boss over lunch last Thursday, as I wanted to expose those eBay ticket fraudsters.

Well, I've had loads of SMSes today and some MSN conversations as a result of the story.

These range from - "Go find a China study mama", to "Pretty gf not hard to find", to "You're fat!" to "I've a cute colleague who's available. U want?"

Ah, the price of fame.

Note to self: remember to call the printers to purchase the bromite copy of the Page 1 so you can keep it.