Tuesday, February 15, 2005

CNY + Vday rojak

Gosh... am feeling the effects of two consecutive days of hanging out at the beach, and a week of feasting on all the goodies.

Woke up with an inflamed throat today, and decided to hibernate at home.

CNY was great, catching up with relatives I haven't seen for a while and meeting my cousin's 17-month-old kid, Sandra.

Dealt with the usual 'still don't have a girlfriend' kinda qns from my aunties with ease (i think they want an indication of how long they still have to give me ang pows)... deflected those qns to my work, and the fact that I'm still young and enjoy my bachelorhood... heh.

Even managed to head up to KL for a short trip to recce for church camp hotels with the committee. This camp is gonna be fantastic if we can get the five-star hotel at the right price...

There's nothing like a short break away from work to resurrect your social life... heh.

Had a V-day with a difference with jon, mich, vic, josh, wenhao, grace, denice, sop and benson- chilled out at Palawan beach by the Dolphin Lagoon, and played "Kings and Assholes".

We had a picnic amist all the lovey-dovey couples... think we dampened the romantic atmosphere of the beach with our cheerful banter, but who cares?!