Monday, February 27, 2006

Funeral Service Class 101

The only thing certain in life is death.

It was in this light that we had a leaders' workshop on Sat.
The topic - funerals.

Morbid it may seem, but the session was light-hearted, practical and very enlightening.
My only regret was having to leave earlier to go to work.

Pastor Peter shared from his personal experience, cited some verses, and answered our questions.

Some insights I gained:
"The funeral service is for the living, not the dead."
"Always suggest, but leave the final decision to the family."
"Distinguish between cultural and religious differences. "
"Don't compromise."
"Be ready to serve and comfort the ones who show the most grief."
"Be with the family early so you can show concern and set the spiritual tone for the occasion."
"Identify the main decision maker of the family."