Tuesday, August 01, 2006


"All girls should be like traffic lights", said a male friend, as he shared his relationship woes with me recently.

They should have red, amber and green lights prominently displayed - that way guys will know how to handle a relationship.

Should they press on, back off or be indifferent?
BGR matters will be much simpler if the above were true.

Maybe, after all is said and done, we guys are just plain lazy...
Or, like love, we are just blind...

Speaking about signals, what is it about Singaporean drivers and a failure to flash their intentions to change direction?
Maybe, all the car manufacturers should just cut costs by excluding signals in all their models sold here.

Do they expect everyone to be able to read their minds?
Or are they just plain lazy?

Imagine all the lives that could be saved and hurt avoided, if only everyone signals...