Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Gold Class Virgin

Watching a movie in a GV Gold Class cinema is definitely not worth $25.
But I shall not complain, since I had free tics.

Caught my maiden movie there recently, and it was a great experience.

For $25, you get a fully reclinable massage chair-like seat, similar to that found in first-class airplane cabins.
And in true airline fashion, it comes with a nice, comfy blanket.
And a posh looking menu, plus your own personal food lounge outside.

Was surprised to see people in there, but they were mainly tourists who were probably conned into getting the $25 tics.

Being in the first row didn't matter, because I wasn't watching the Bourne Ultimatum, and there's still about 5m between me and the screen.

Definitely a luxury.Provided it's for free.