Personal Ad
If I had to write a personal ad, this is what I'll say...
Sporty, intellectual, financially secure Christian journalist with diverse interests.
Passionate about Christ, movies, Liverpool FC, singing, travelling and making money.
Boyish looking, it's hard to believe I'm 28, with spiky gelled black hair and slim frame.
Grew up in Singapore, spent 3 years in London to earn my BSc econs degree.
May seem boring on first impression, but if you dig a little deeper, you will find a fun dude.
Can be extroverted or introverted, depending on the company and situation.
Loves travelling, and has been to every continent except South America and Antarctica.
Seeking a Christian girl who can share my passion for Christ.
Prefers someone who is outgoing, chatty, loves sports, likes to sing, and fancies an occasional visit to the cinema.
Movie star looks will be a big bonus! just kidding la...
Erhu Song
Lyrics to a really nice song I heard from the Christian songwriters' showcase yesterday.
It's also known as the "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" or "Erhu" song...
Strength of Your grace Keeps me alive Heartbeat of joy You are my only guide Strength of Your grace Stirs within me To be all that I can The way You want me to be Keep me today in the strength of Your grace Conscious of You, unconscious of me I can do all things In the strength of Your grace Lead me Your way I come now by faith Surrendering all In the arms of Your grace...
恩典的光 伴我茁壮
恩典的光 在我心里
有你的爱 永不悔不疑
领我前进 我愿跟随你
献上一切 在你恩典光里
恩典的光 伴我茁壮
恩典的光 在我心里
Gold Class Virgin
Watching a movie in a GV Gold Class cinema is definitely not worth $25.
But I shall not complain, since I had free tics.
Caught my maiden movie there recently, and it was a great experience.
For $25, you get a fully reclinable massage chair-like seat, similar to that found in first-class airplane cabins.
And in true airline fashion, it comes with a nice, comfy blanket.
And a posh looking menu, plus your own personal food lounge outside.
Was surprised to see people in there, but they were mainly tourists who were probably conned into getting the $25 tics.
Being in the first row didn't matter, because I wasn't watching the Bourne Ultimatum, and there's still about 5m between me and the screen.
Definitely a luxury.Provided it's for free.
Wise Investment
Global stocks have been in turmoil this year.
But there is an investment that will pay far more returns than equities.
Invest in wisdom, for Proverbs 3 says...
13 Blessed is the man who finds wisdom, the man who gains understanding,
14 for she is more profitable than silver and yields better returns than gold.
15 She is more precious than rubies; nothing you desire can compare with her.
16 Long life is in her right hand; in her left hand are riches and honor.
17 Her ways are pleasant ways, and all her paths are peace.
18 She is a tree of life to those who embrace her; those who lay hold of her will be blessed.
Calling a woman "fat" and "full of oil" is likely to earn a guy two tight slaps and plenty of disdain.
Unless of cause, you are in Tonga.
That's the place where any aspiring Cassanova can sweep a Tonga woman off her feet by saying to her: 'Foi'atelolo, ta ō mu'a mata māhina hopo!'
That means "O fat liver full of oil, let us go and watch the moonrise!"
Taken from the National Geographic, apparently the liver of a baked pig is the choice morsel reserved for chiefs, and so fond are the Tongans of fat and oily food that any right-minded Tongan girl is enormously pleased at such flattery.
It amazes me what one can learn from a sleepy Sunday afternoon chillout at a cafe in Vivocity...

The cake was so pretty and elaborately decorated that I couldn't bear to cut it.
Football field, players, goal posts, palm trees and Liverpool flags.
It ranks among the top-three most memorable B'day cakes I've ever had.
The first was a Mickey Mouse one with choc ears during my childhood.
The second - a key-shaped cake for my 21st, of which a piece was smashed right into my face.
But birthdays are not just about cakes.
More importantly, it is the people behind the cakes that make the celebrations possible and worthwhile.
I'm grateful to the Lord for blessing me with a closely knit group of friends - Judah.
Last Sat's dinner at Greenwood was one for the album, one for the long-term memory.
And thanks to the others who showered me with Facebook greetings, SMSes, meals and gifts!
I was made to feel very loved the entire week!
Nothing beats a free lunch at Singapore's best restaurant, especially when stock markets are tumbling.
I had the privilege of dining at Iggy's - which also happens to be ranked 4th in Asia and among the world's top-100 eateries - last week.
Posh is the buzzword at the restaurant, which is tucked away at a cosy corner of Regent Hotel's third floor.
The waiters are well-trained to attend to the mostly rich clientele, and they can introduce the finer points of the limited menu with plenty of class and finesse.
Avant garde shelves and high society magazines line the walls of the dining hall.
The place doesn't have quite a romantic, homely ambience as Valentino's - feels more like a cutting-edge cuisine room.
Onto food...
Portions for the $45 set lunch were minute, but yummylicious! (yummy delicious)
I kicked off with a complimentary toufu, which was followed by a superbly cooked capellini starter served with tiny, stir-fried shrimps.
That was followed by their signature Iggy's Wagyu beef burger. Its tiny size reminded me of a BK Buger Buddies - a mini twin cheeseburger which I used to adore during my days at ACPS.
Dessert was the most memorable - champagne jelly and lime sorbet with elderberry foam.
I must learn how to make this. For it was simply sedap!