UK Bound
Tis the season when we say goodbye to those heading back for another academic year.
You will all be greatly missed.
Spent most of my time outside of work this week meeting these people.
Had a poignant breakfast with Sandra on Thurs, and I'll really miss ur company these months.
Bade farewell to Miriam and Jeremy not once, but twice (and in Jerry's case more than thrice) on Mon night, and on Thurs.
Tried to call Keene on Fri night to no avail.
Will be saying bye to Caleb tm.
All the best for the year ahead!
This Corrinne May song is dedicated to all who will miss their loved ones miles away. Inspired by Wenhao's 'same side of the moon' farewell to Jerry. *wink*
I'm looking out the window
Where we sat to watch the stars
There's a chill within the air
It makes my heart long for your touch
You may be miles away
But as i kneel to pray...
I see the same side of the moon
That we'll be looking on when the world turns blue
And know that time and space can't come between me and you
We share the same side of the moon
And though you'll never see all my tears shine through
I know i can't be that far from you
If we're both looking on the same side of the moon
Olympus Search
Hi does anyone know who the gal in the Olympus ad (yeah, the one they always play during Singapore Idol) is?
Olympics- special coverage...
So that's what the torch is for...

That's what I call fan loyalty...

R(A) lah!


Hope no one's looking...

That's below the belt!

I rode in one of these! Woo hoo!

Dream Cars that'll remain as dreams here
Check out this cool custom-made Mini Cooper.
Smart Roadster- the electric Z3 lookalike! One of the cute cars that u can't find here...
Harold & Kumar
What a fantastic movie!
Can't remember laughing so much since I caught
Totally shit morals reflective of American yuppie & college culture, but it's a fantastic comedy with good acting, esp from Kal Penn. And nice social commentary reminiscent of Jack Neo's usual style interwoven into the whole movie. Hardly felt like any time had past... 2 thumbs up!
And what better to top it off when I watched it with my Indian fren? Sadly his name wasn't Kumar, and I dun intend to change mine to Harold.
Writer's Block
Man, it's been a tough week at work.
Not in terms of the jobs I've been doing, but just the 'lack of form' at stringing the words together. And a lack of motivation. Could it stem from spiritual dryness? Or being contented with my current level, and not seeking to improve, to be more diligent?
I need to pray more!
On a lighter note, Monday night was fantastic, cos I had the chance to bowl alongside some world-class bowlers at the opening night of the Singapore Open as part of the festivities.
Initially it was so stressful. I got there just on time for the roll-off, and found my name on the centre lane together with both defending champions, and I had to go first!
But as the night went on, the ice started to break, and I was thoroughly entertained by the showmanship of this American bowler Dino Castillo. Mebbe he had too much to drink, but he was such a joker on the lanes- bowling with 2 balls, trying to get splits so he could spare them dramatically. Oh did I also mention the kick-ass laksa that was dished out too?! Yummy!
Shall not mention my scores though- they were ahem, sad...
Two Burning Qns that need answers!
1. How do you desire excellence in everything you do for His glory with it turning into an unhealthy obsession?
2. How do you not end up trying to serve both God and Money? Is a rich, wealthy Christian an oxymoron? Is a Christian aspiring towards wealth & being the top in his/her field a hypocrite?