Six days to my first church camp in 4 yrs, four more days before my leave...
First time in camp committee, first time advance party.
Can't wait...
Quotable Quotes from the Final (plus those that were censored)

mother of all comebacks.
Nobody could have written a better script and act it out in reality."
-Kok Ann.
"I felt like I've been
raped by Milan"
-A colleague at half-time, after Liverpool were down 0-3.
"Unbelievable. Incredible. Brilliant."
-Tony Blair.
"I didn't know what else to do at half-time - except
pray for Liverpool. It was a
"It was like an orgasm."
-Liverpool fan.
"It was as if God switched sides during half-time.
Divine, defying all logic."
-Another colleague.
"This is the team that came
back from the dead."
"Not even the Brazil team that won the 1970 World Cup final would have been able to come back from 0-3 down like that."
"I thought I'll never see Liverpool win the Champions League in my lifetime. Now I have.''
Any more good quotes? pls add in comments... tks
The mother of all comebacks

It must be the craziest football night I've ever seen.
No regrets watching it at the Liverpool clubhouse, except for the fact that I had to do a story on it.
I've never seen so many football fans cry at a victory, and complete strangers became friends overnight.
Leverkusen, Juventus, Chelsea , AC Milan. We've beaten them all.
Star Wars Mania
The lightsabre must be the coolest movie invention in Hollywood's history, and the sweet nothings between Anakin and Natalie Portman in Episode 2 among the worst.
But what the heck - Star Wars fever is sweeping through the globe, and I've been hit.
Tried desperately to get my hands on Episode 2 on Saturday before I watch Revenge of the Sith this week but to no avail - the DVD rental shops I called/visited didn't have it.
But what providence - a visit to the Chng residence on Sunday night just to chill out with the youths ended with a big bonus - me watching Episode 2 on DVD.
Their sound system was excellent, and it even came complete with Star Wars M&Ms, and a fantastic post-movie carrot cake supper at 401.
Now back to Episode 4, 5 and 6, which my kind colleague has lent to me.
Watch all the six installments, I must!
The girl living in the room next door is finally back.
Office Moves
1. Seat relocation.
My Desk is gonna shift (sadly not nearer to Bukit Panjang) but to another part of the newsroom.
Yes! We'll be nearer the canteen... but further from Life and the carpark, and the quick getaway...
2. Boss reallocation
That will coincide with a change of editor, with the No.2 becoming No.1 and No.1 moving elsewhere.
No.2's more approachable and is a staunch Christian, but it remains to be seen whether life will be for the better or for the worst... *fingers crossed*
First world country, 3rd world mentality
What's the use of clean streets and low crime when you can't even keep a blerdy blog with private entries in peace?
Kingdom of Heaven: The Movie
The crusades were always a dark part of church history, but I couldn't resist a Ridley Scott-directed movie after watching Gladiator.
Alas, Orlando Bloom is no Russell Crowe, and no, I wasn't as entertained.
Nevertheless, the movie still had its quotable quote -
"Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Speak the truth, always, even if it leads to your death. Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong. That is your oath..."But the plot is razor-thin, and lacks the intrigue and passion of Gladiator... remember this scene where Russell Crowe speaks to the Emperor in the Colosseum?
"My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius, Commander of the Armies of the North, General of the Felix Legions, loyal servant to the true emperor, Marcus Aurelius. Father to a murdered son, husband to a murdered wife. And I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next."It's ok if you head into the cinema not expecting another epic of Gladiator-esque proportions - the film still has chaotic and bloody battle scenes that will thrill action-movie buffs, and a bit of history that will educate (though I'm not sure how much is actually fact).
But don't expect to be swept off your feet - this is one movie that wouldn't make you stay for the closing credits...
Random thoughts
Stuck at home plagued by my week-long cough, dreading the inevitable return to work on Fri.
I feel like a race horse that's overtrained. Need to rediscover a fresh drive.
Parents have gone on a cruise to nowhere, sis is away till May 20.
Church camp's coming up, that's something to look forward to.
So too is Champs League final on May 25, but first there's the Vesak day long weekend.
Golf lesson's stressful, driving range practice feels like a waste of time.
Social life needs resurrecting, but the body seems unwilling to cooperate.
Mind bogged down, spirit needs uplifting.
Haven't met for cell for a long time, why?
Random ramblings of a rookie reporter.
You'll never walk to Istanbul alone
We did it!
Champions League final - May 25 - here we go...

Tuesday Blues
Going back to work after a four-day holiday is hard.
Lord help me...