True? I find it over-flattering
Friend of all, noble friend : Teutonic
You are an inspiring leader whose originality, creativity and wisdom are applied to creating practical solutions to "unsolvable" problems.
Humanitarian and idealistic your vision is to make the world a better place and you will work to this end.
Hardworking and tenacious people admire you for your honesty and integrity.
You are a loved and loyal friend and partner. You have the potential to achieve enormous success in the world.
Tried my full name and I got this instead...
Having confidence in yourself and integrity you have your emotions under control and are rarely ruffled.
You have a quiet and reflective manner and are responsive to the needs of others giving you the ability to be a mediator.
You are extremely successful in the material world being organised, financially astute and pursuing realistic goals.
Your caring attitude and compassion certainly makes you a loved individual.
Quote of the week
How thick-skinned and bhb some fans can be...
"Obviously. We're the bigger club, aren't we?"- A Newcastle fan who was asked why Michael Owen chose his club over Liverpool.
Amazing... something to ponder
"I'll die before my time and my body shall be returned to the earth and devoured by worms.
I marvel that whereas the ambitious plans of myself and Caesar and Alexander should have
vanished into thin air, that a Judean peasant, Jesus, should be able to stretch his hands across
the ages and control the destinies of men and nations."
- Napoleon -
Crucified, dead,
40 days,
500 witnesses,
coming again
-Patrick Morley-
Do you know Him?
Do your friends know Him?
Last Minute Show
It's Sunday night, and work blues have begun to sink in courtesy of an sms from a kiasu supervisor, reminding me to put in my story ideas for tomorrow.
I just finished a six-day work week, and it's back to the office after a mere 30 hours.
You don't have to spoil my break so soon.
Well, at least my only rest day was well spent. =)
Church was good, courtesy of an enlightening and entertaining sermon from Dr Joseph Tan.
Had to wait a while before I had lunch this Penang place at Park Mall, but it was worth the delay - the beef noodles and prawn noodles were fantastic!
Headed home for another night of English Football.
The last-minute Darren Bent goal made me jump up and celebrate - I just bought him for my Fantasy Football team.
And just when I thought Ruud was going to disappoint me, he scored in the 90th min as well against Newcastle.
Another 3 work days, and it's 3 days off (fingers crossed cos they can't seem to follow the duty roster).
Quote of the week
"The world has jerks.
Some of them get to be bosses."
- former GE CEO Jack Welch
Christmas 2002 French Alps

It's not everyday you get to see a pink sunset.
Was sorting out all my photos from my 3 yrs overseas, and I found this.
I was supposed to start my off day with badminton at NUS, and end it with street soccer at Tampines.
In the end, I woke up with a flu, and one friend had gastric.
So badminton was off.
To my horror or may I say relief (because I had a slight fever last night) soccer was called off as well - the person was too tired to get things going.
Double whammy.
This let-down feeling reminds me of the weekend's English Premier League.
Started off optimistic that my fantasy football team, pitted against my secondary school buddies and colleagues, would do well.
Ended in disgrace - I'm rock-bottom in one league, and in the lower half of another.
That's thanks to Gerrard's inept finishing against Middlesbrough, and Chelsea's inability to whack Wigan.
Thank God Sunday was good.
Church was fantastic - was glad that I finally got to meet Ethan and Suling. Joel was absent though. I hope he's ok.
Lunch with KA and Grace was enjoyable as usual, then the book-in feeling struck - my 10 day leave was over and it was time to go back to my Toa Payoh 'army camp'.
But it was not so bad. Wrote a decent piece on Thierry Henry's league debut as Arsenal captain.
Shiok then, but for now I'm swamped with work and my off day's slowing ebbing away and the sad prospect of spending most of it trying to sleep off my flu.
I need more rest, less stress.
Now Is The Time
Thank God for the recent influx of newcomers to my church (there're at least six, and they're all around my age).
Now the biggest question is: what can we do to reach out to them?
Do we just be contented with the status quo, and regret later that we did nothing about it?
This has been on my heart for most of the week - I pray that this window of opportunity will not slip away, that I will move out of my usual cliques and step out of my comfort zone.
It's pointless if we keep praying for revival, yet ignore it when it comes knocking on our door.
The amazing thing is that most of them came out of their own accord, without knowing anyone in ZGM very well.
Now the ball's in our court - what will we do?
It's time once again
For wives and girlfriends to take a backseat,
For the eyes of previously poor pub owners to glitter,
For the glistening fields and once-empty stands to come alive,
For holidaying players to charm and sizzle,
For certain Starhub subscribers to get their money's worth,
For starved fans to kiss their lonesome weekend nights goodbye,
For this writer to bleed Red in anticipation,
It's time for kick-off.
English Premiership - boy are we glad u're back!
P.S who are your picks for the title?
Singing the Blues
My week-long leave is gone, and all the interns have left.
I wonder what surprises are in store as I celebrate my first anniversary in SPH.